Shido Seed Rack Kit - 2,988 pcs

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Product Detail
  • Year Designed: 2024
What's Included

Kit includes

  • 1 - Metal display rack
  • 1 - Shido Seed display rack sign
  • 36 - packs of 83 assorted seeds
Quick Seed Overview

Kit includes

  • 1 - Metal display rack
  • 1 - Shido Seed display rack sign
  • 36 - packs of 83 assorted seeds

Why Shido Seeds Are the Best

Our flower and vegetable seeds are beautifully packaged little packets of magic. Guaranteed to turn your garden into the envy of the neighborhood. Get your hands dirty and let nature simply do its thing.

The Prettiest Seeds You've Ever Seen

Anyone who has ever purchased seeds from a garden center knows the drill: rows upon rows of cheerfully illustrated packets, each promising botanical splendor while delivering, at best, spotty success rates that would make a Las Vegas bookie blush. But then there are Shido seeds, which arrive vacuum-sealed like precious artifacts from some horticultural future where failure simply isn't an option.

Mist Like a Modern Human—Not a Thirsty Peasant

Still manually misting your precious plants like some kind of 18th-century peasant? Upgrade to our USB-powered electric plant mister! With the push of a button, it delivers the perfect spritz—because your plants deserve luxury, and you deserve less wrist pain. Charging cable included, dignity not.

Pretty Pots for Pretty Plants

Your plants work hard to look good—shouldn’t their pots do the same? Choose from our gorgeous flower pots and let your greenery thrive in style. Because plain plastic is just rude.