Ceramic Flower Pearl Sea Lettuce Medium


In times of crisis, I've found that people develop attachments to the most peculiar objects. My sister once dedicated three months to creating origami animals from old tax returns, but my latest obsession – a ceramic flower in a lustrous pearl shade that catches light like a soap bubble – feels somehow more justifiable. "It's called sea lettuce," I explained to my partner while holding the ceramic piece at various angles, watching it shift from cream to opalescent white like a mood ring caught in an identity crisis. "Though really, it looks more like what would happen if the moon decided to bloom." The ceramic piece came with a keyhole mount that my mother insists makes it look like a fancy doorknob when viewed from behind. But there's something perfect about its medium size, like Goldilocks herself had specified the dimensions. I hung it in the kitchen, replacing a dubious abstract painting I'd bought at a garage sale that might have been hanging upside down for the past two years. "It would be perfect in a nursery," my partner suggested, though we both knew our spare room had become a graveyard for abandoned exercise equipment. "That's what you said about my collection of Victorian hat pins," I reminded them. But this was different. The pearlescent sea lettuce had transformed our kitchen from a mere room into something more ethereal, like dining inside an oyster shell. Every time I glance at it while making coffee, I imagine it's quietly glowing with approval, unlike my coffee maker, which seems to break down specifically when I have houseguests to impress.


  • 4.8 inches diameter, 2.8 inches tall
Product Detail
  • Year Designed: 2023
  • Material: Ceramic
  • Finish: Glazed
  • Keyhole for Wall Hanging

Curated collection

One glances at ceramic flowers and the mind starts spinning like a deranged mathematician at a pottery sale. Thirty-one million possibilities lurk in those delicate petals - enough combinations to drive even the most dedicated decorator to drink. Through countless installations, watching clients wobble between choices while clutching paint swatches and muttering about feng shui, certain arrangements have emerged as clear winners. Here they are, tested and proven, saving countless hours of existential design crisis.

Looks Great on Tables

Originally destined for tabletops, fate intervened when two domestic goddesses - Oprah and Martha themselves - declared these babies belonged on walls. Who could argue with that kind of decorating royalty?

Pretty Boxes

Each delicate ceramic blossom nestles in a box worthy of its artistry, wrapped with the kind of care that makes gift-givers beam with pride. Making others look thoughtful comes naturally around here.

Can be Used on a Wall

One discovers the most elegant of solutions: a humble keyhole adorns the reverse, yearning for nothing more than a single screw. Into drywall it slides, defying both gravity and common sense. Voilà - sweet victory.

Pretty Flowers in Pretty Boxes

After eleven years of toiling, arranging, and obsessing over more than a hundred varieties of flowers, one learns that the postal service harbors a peculiar vendetta against beauty. Like a jealous god waiting to smite anything delicate or refined. But victory comes in the form of sturdy, elegant boxes - the kind that make a recipient feel like royalty, while secretly being fortress-strong enough to survive even the most spiteful mail handler's wrath.

Endless Combinations

One might imagine the English Garden ceramic flower collection emerged from some divine intervention, each piece destined to complement another like arranged marriages in a Jane Austen novel. The designers, those smug bastards, eliminated all possibility of aesthetic disaster. What generous gods, taking away the burden of poor taste. But now comes the true hell: drowning in an ocean of endless perfection, where every choice leads to another equally magnificent possibility. Standing there, paralyzed by beauty, cursing those clever devils who removed all traces of ugliness, leaving nothing but an endless maze of flawless combinations.

How to Hang

One discovers these flowers, each bearing a secret: a tiny keyhole nestled in the back, waiting for its destiny. The ritual feels almost predetermined - reaching into that dusty jar of orphaned screws, the ones squirreled away over countless home projects. Those odd bits of metal, collected like precious coins, finally finding their purpose. A quick twist of the drill, and there hangs beauty, supported by hardware whose previous life remains a mystery.