My people have lived the way of the gnome for centuries, some say from the beginning of time itself. We are a mischief bunch true pranksters at heart with a great sense of humor and did I mention our dashing good looks (Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt have nothing on us). We have spread all over the world, going where the gardens call. We’re the magic that give your gardens life. We help your flowers bloom, your veggies to grow, and their colours to shine; but as times have changed so have we. Once free to roam the pastures we are now restricted to the lawns boarded edge.
As the GGLF (Garden Gnome Liberation Front) charter 416 leader I ask you all not to forget to plant your gardens this spring. Help us see the world once again. I mean we can’t all make deals with an online “travel agency” to be their spokesperson and get free trips to see the world. (Yes, I’m talking to you Roman) You see, I didn’t choose the gnome life, the gnome life chose me. It is my calling, my gift and at times my burden to bear, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Hoping to see you in a garden near you,